Hello hello! Welcome.. here’s a little info. I’d love to have you join me in this play space.

Continuing Wonderment is a gentle dive into the part of my creative life that is being expressed through words. CW is where I share my take on art + life, memory + mystery, wondering + caring, questing + aging. (And my dog Ginger, occasionally 🐕) The other parts of my creative life ooze out mostly through paint, paper and pencil. (You can see some art here) Also creativity in general, and food, once in a while.

Stay up-to-date and subscribe so you won’t miss anything. Or just give me a follow and ❤️ my posts. I’d really appreciate it! (Getting feedback is so lovely! So leave me a note if you want, too.)

(Don’t worry— your inbox won’t be flooded as I only post occasionally.)

Also— Continuing Wonderment is a free subscription. 😊

More about moi…

I’m a visual artist (mainly a painter, but plenty of other art too), a past musician, and sometimes-writer living a creative life fueled by questioning, finding my way and evolving one breath at a time.

Also— a mother (two grown artist daughters), a grandmother (one astoundingly adorable granddaughter, almost two), rescue dog-owner (Ginger rescued me), excellent cook if I do say so myself, (mostly for one, but open to cooking for up to 12), and a loft-dweller.

To find all my links, click below:

Karen Rand Anderson Art

(a portrait of the artist with a portrait of the artist)

Lifelong art-maker and sometimes writer, seeking inspiration and wisdom in all corners.

Here’s a painting… “Following Bliss” 24x48” acrylic on canvas 2021

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various and sundry insights, questions, and musings about art and life


Lifelong art-maker, wonderer and sometimes writer, seeking inspiration and wisdom in all corners. See my art at www.karenrandanderson.com and on Insta @karenrandart.