Sep 28Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

What a touching read, Karen.

Last summer I was upset when a green woodpecker flew into my home office window, being chased by a crow and died. I worried that was the population gone. This summer I spotted two green woodpeckers outside the kitchen, grubbing in the grass. Such a relief.

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28Author

Thank you Wendy! A heartening discovery, right? So glad you saw them... perhaps part of the same family. I just looked up green woodpeckers.. so beautiful1!!! You are no doubt in the UK as that is where they appear to reside. 💚

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Ah yes, should have made that clear! South of England. They're a lovely sight. We occasionally get spotted woodpeckers, too, but I haven't noticed them or their tree-hammering this summer.

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Love this story Karen! I built a little garden and bird feeding station this summer in hopes of seeing them closer— but the neighborhood cat has also found his perch on a bench beneath ….. grrr…..

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grrrr.... 😾

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Sep 19Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

So great you were able to save that owl!

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It was one of those moments/memories that remain so vivid. I’ve always felt blessed and in awe that it happened to me !!

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Sep 19Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

Love this! I saw an osprey in the tree below my balcony three times in the last week. Very exciting!

I’d love to hold a hummingbird-how magical is that! I read the hummingbirds beat their wings 60 times a second!! Imagine.

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There have been a trio of ospreys hanging out in our section of the river over the past week … I think mom, dad and junior. I saw junior swoop and get a huge fish , and spend 20 minutes on a branch , chowing down. Mom and dad just perched nearby and watched. It’s been a great show !!

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Beautiful stories, Karen. That owl! The image of you holding it on your lap will stay with me.

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Thank you Jen … I’m glad I finally had a venue in which to write about it !

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Karen, This is such a beautiful tribute to birds — honoring the wisdom and gifts they bring. I believe your hummer came just for you.

I've never rescued a bird. A had a friend who did this constantly at her place near the foods. It was as if the birds past out her calling card and found her at the perfect time for 'a new lease on life.'

Whenever I see a hummingbird in our garden or any bird for that matter, it feels like a gift.

We put out bird seeds and plant sunflowers, and other plants that they enjoy.

I am not good at remembering names of plants, birds or people for that matter but I never forget an appearance.

Thank you!

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Thank you Prajna...!!

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

I'm not a birder either, but I love birds. I haven't saved any, but I did save a broken butterfly for a little while once. Kirie Pedersen, a fellow Substacker, told me about the stickers for the windows, although for some reason, it's not a problem at my current residence, even though I have a big picture window. Thank you for loving the birds, Karen.

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Thank you Ilona! Lucky you haven't had any bird/window mishaps. Sometimes they will hit and just be a bit stunned, and eventually fly off again. Keep an eye out...

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RemovedSep 18Liked by Karen Rand Anderson
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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

Here's your comment, Sue-- I rescued it..!!!

"This is such a fascinating read and one that I strongly relate to! (Your feather collection is stunning in that glass). I am a bird enthusiast myself - not a birder as I know so very little - but this year I have been using the Merlin app on my phone to great success! (If you haven't tried this, you must as you will LOVE it!) Purists may tut-tut that it may not be 100% accurate but I am very happy with 99%!) So far, I have clocked 89 different birds which I find thrilling, just to know what and who is going on behind the scenes. I wish I could spot them more easily, that's my next goal. We regularly have osprey, bald eagles and killdeer and many different hawks. I admire you for taking such tender care of these fellows. I once had almost a mystical experience with a hummingbird who hovered in front of me, very closely, for quite a while before just as abruptly disappearing upwards. Unforgettable."

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

oh no ... I accidentally deleted your message, Sue!!! Not sure how to get it back. 🙁 But thank you ..!

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I love Merlin! Used it for a long time. Good for you to keep track of them all, Sue.., 89 species is impressive!

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Thanks! This is as obsessive as I want to be though - I'm not cut out for spread sheety applications for this kind of thing. But I do like to record them manually in my gardening book just so I know who was here and I can read up more later when it's snowing outside. I do love my gardening journal during those dark months :)

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