This is what I say, almost every day, FUCK! my oldest daughter used to work for me and I have not found someone as diligent and tech savy as here, now she has a full time job. I totally get this

"In my brilliance I decide to uninstall One Drive and move my files to Google Docs. And now — most of my files— yes, all THOSE files, the writing, the memoir, the memories, the essays, the poetry— will not open"

And say I know it feels fuckernuckles right now and do believe a solution will present itself — some younger person who grew up in cyberspace perhaps....

Sending you a huge hug of deep breathe while you feel it all.

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Sep 5Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

Never fear, there’s a knowledgeable millennial that’s gonna straighten this out for you toot sweet.

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btw I was at the Apple Store for 3 hours. 😂

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YESSS! That is what happened. Those millennial geniuses over there. Got the files retrieved and now I need to organize the whole damn thing., Whew.!

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Sep 4Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

So not jealous of you in this battle. Trying to figure it out for myself too

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Sep 4Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

I have cremated a dead toad and when the wind is right from Pantelleria I will say the ancient words appropriate for your plight. This always works.

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😂 many thanks Jeff…!

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Sep 4Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

To be clear no toad died for this cause. Only deceased toads work.

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Praise be to dead toads. Your charm worked!

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Sep 4Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

Wish I could help. I’m not tech savvy in the least. But I have a feeling your files will be retrievable. Good luck!

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Sep 3Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

Ack, I know that feeling when tech throws you a curve ball. This recently happened when my husband suddenly couldn't get his email. It took three hours on the phone with someone far away who finally gave up after numerous consultations with her bosses. Finally a bigwig in the organization figured out what was happening and got him back online. Now this wasn't even my email, but whenever tech stuff goes awry anywhere in my house my stomach clenches, I become unable to concentrate and that ill feeling takes over completely. So my condolences for what you are going through. There is usually a good ending after the angsting thanks to the folks who can figure this stuff out, but it usually leaves me grinding my teeth cursing modern life, ha ha! Yoga breath, use all my anti anxiety tips, and put it all in perspective....this finally gets me back to my usual self (which admittedly is usually anxious about something anyway, ha ha!) So good luck at the Genius Bar. May that bar and perhaps another kind get you back to smiling!!

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Excellent advice , thank you Ann Marie … yes indeed I need to focus on some focused breathing 😮‍💨 🧘‍♀️

You nailed it with the anxiety angst statement. That’s how I’ve been feeling all day. *deep breath *

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Sep 3Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

“But time has a way at of teaching us a lesson.” Oh my goodness. This is true! I can so relate.

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Sep 3Liked by Karen Rand Anderson


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Oh Karen, I can relate. I'm in the thick of it with birthing pains today of uploading my new poetry book on Amazon and my neck & shoulders are in knots. It finally actually worked after hours and hours, but I'm still trying to reformulate my files to be accepted for a kindle book. It appears I need professional help! But I do believe you'll be helped tomorrow, and hopefully all will be well, sooner rather than later. ~Elizabeth

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Thank you dear Elizabeth ! Can’t wait to read your new collection… 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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I definitely recognize THIS pain. I resisted/ignoredOne Drive forever and then it somehow installed automatically during the night on my PC (not kidding) and then constantly suggested I start paying some money for storing photos ... it was an absolute nightmare. I have a Mac as well, albeit an older one, but every time something like this comes up it brings a tidal wave of feeling like a stupid old crone, not knowing which fist pump to affect at the Genius Bar lol and try not to become offended when they start speaking in A Special Voice. Computer stuff is the worst! You have my sympathies!

I wish I was closer to offer both vodka AND a hug! This too will pass. Let us know Karen, how you get on with the Geniuses. Sounds like all may be well in the end as I use Googledocs myself and always seems pretty invincible. P.S. Did you compost the original docs in Microsoft Word? I wonder if it is just a compatibility thing with the Mac?

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Thanks for the comfort Sue ..! I’ll take that hug, also vodka , thank you. Yes all my docs are in Word .. I’m trying not to stress and taking a writing break.

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LOL clearly I meant "compose" here and not COMPOST, although seems eerily appropriate too haha ...

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Yes. ;)

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