Such an amazing read and what you say here resonates with so many people, especially myself.

I frequently have to go on a news fast because I just cannot take it anymore and feel so helpless. As Michelle Obama recently observed though, we've all recently started feeling something we can hardly recognize - hope!

I LOVE the phrase "turning on the gratitude faucet." So excellent!

Dogs are very good for this kind of thing - and bring some flowers into the house xo

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Ahhh yes flowers!! That will be on my to-do list for tomrmorrow...

Thank you Sue!!

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I hear you. Dark, hateful hearts perplex me. How do those people exist with any semblance of comfort or joy? If I find myself angry (which I too often am during our election season), I just feel off. I can't let myself stay there. It's so hard to imagine those who choose to stay in that darkness all the time.

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It's impossible to imagine what must exist within them.. But I can only wonder-- do they experience love, joy, light and kindness? How do they exist in constant fear? I have to try not to assume, but it's hard. After all, they have their guns and are most likely just itching to use them... *sigh* sorry. Time to go for a walk!!

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Yes to all of this

This is so well written, and I resonate with every part, especially the wallowing to hit publish. Well done.

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Thank you Prajna …!

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Jul 24Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

Ah so there actually is a name for this feeling I've been wearing like a winter coat the past few years . I've asked the questions you expressed often...who are these people who have such dark hearts and hatred of anything not like them? It can be a challenge to recognize the joyful generous-hearted people that exist quietly and don't make the loud noises of those angry folks. For me immersing myself in making art keeps me centered and holding on to a thread of hope about humanity. And the recent political changes that have happened have made me able to unbutton that coat of anxiety and, dare I say it, take it off and feel some fresh air and hope. Thanks for giving words to something I have felt. It's comforting knowing there are like souls out there!

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You've perfectly voiced how I feel about those others, Ann-Marie.. who are they, indeed? And why are they so loud, mean, and confrontational? And violent, for heaven's sake? And so controlled by fear of those who are not exactly like them? There are so many. I have to try not to be terrified about what they might do. But-- there are many like us, too. So we have to hold the torch high.

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Jul 24Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

Thanks, Karen - didn't know there was one word to encompass all those feelings! And yes, so grateful and glad to see the excitement and hope Kamala is bringing. Huge sigh of relief. Know this can't have been easy for Joe - and he will struggle to find out who he is outside of being a public servant, so my prayers are with him and his family.

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🙏 sending love, PJ!

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I love the way you write Karen— it’s easy to follow the flow of your thoughts and insights. I also love the addition here of “what a day makes” Indeed —-especially at these times when the astrological is echoing the personal and global excitement of change in the air!

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🤩 thank you Elizabeth!

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(Sorry to miss tomorrow’s opening but I know there will be more!)

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