Aug 21Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

I love this Karen. So beautifully said. And happy for you! I love any solitude I can get. I feel more lonely in society than I do in my aloneness. 💝

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Thank you, Linda... I treasure my solitude, and at the same time, know that community engagement is really valuable for me... balance tis the key!

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I loved my years of being single post divorce. I (often) write about wishing I could live a parallel life where I still am. And I always think about how we’re ultimately alone. Not in a sad way, but in a honest way. We are the only one in the universe of our mind.

Thank you for this piece!

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Thank you for this lovely comment, Mikaela!

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Oh thank you Walker .. wow, we have been through some deep and similar shit! Mine was an aortic valve replacement and aneurism repair.. total surprise. My memoir journey is commencing. No idea where it will take me. So I guess that’s the mystery of my life now. Nice to be in touch !!!!! 💕

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Aug 14Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

Karen, So much of what you've said and experienced is relatable. My memoir is finished but I've decided the push needed to self-publish isn't something I relish. And, after 2 years I feel ok about that. My open heart surgery, triple CABG, was 4 years ago. And like you, there is currently no lover--something I miss and would gladly accept. I'm enjoying your posts as you talk about age and your process for living well at this stage. Thank you.

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Hi Walker...thank you .. we have some parallels indeed! I didn't have a bypass-- I had a valve replacement + aneurysm repair. In any case-- going through it opened my heart to myself (relative to what I'm writing about) Nice to be connected with you!

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I look forward to hearing more about your book. A valve replacement is in my future...

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I love absolutely love this John Donoghue quote and the great gift of aloneness, which is not lonely.

It’s slow to fully enter

Her windows open

A remarkable piece thank you so much.

I love solitude, but I have many people around me and sometimes I find it exhausting

I look forward to reading more.

Thank you

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Thank you Prajna!! 💕

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I forgot to answer the question. Yes.

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Aug 13Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

Just getting comfortable with my aloneness. Love this entry!

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Thanks Julie!

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Aug 12Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

This is so beautiful. I spent much of my younger years running from my aloneness, and now my solitude (always spent with pets) is one of the greatest gifts of my life. I'm in a beautiful relationship but I will never share my domestic solitude again, and he understands this. This is also a blessing of getting older: being willing to encounter yourself wherever you are, and only choosing people who can do the same.

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Thank you Poppy..!! I love this: "This is also a blessing of getting older: being willing to encounter yourself wherever you are, and only choosing people who can do the same."

I'm happy for you. At this point, I can't imagine myself being intimately connected again with anyone, and I admire others who can...

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Aug 13Liked by Karen Rand Anderson

A completely valid and understandable choice! It's a brave thing, to go against the grain and however we can reject our social conditioning, and live according to our own desires, is a victory.

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deletedAug 13Liked by Karen Rand Anderson
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Thank you dear Elisabeth... wishing you the best outcome for wherever the path leads... Lovely to see you here!

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